
Saturday, February 28, 2004

Born Slippy 

This title does not describe me, if all of the comedy nearly-falls I've made in all the snow and ice today are anything to judge by.

It seems to have been my month for ridiculousness at restaurants. This time Orgasmic were the culprits. It was one of my team members' birthday (hmm - that looks wrong, but I don't know if it is ... the birthday of one of my team members) today so we went out for lunch. Orgasmic do really nice pizzas and a good line in out-of-the-ordinary snacks too, and I've enjoyed eating there several times before.

It was not to be this time! The ordering system is a little quirky - you have to fill in the number of orders of each meal on a copy of the menu and hand that in to the bar, which we did - 9 of us ordering. 3 had special requirements, one of which took a bit of explaining to the barman (who apparently believed that lettuce came pre-dressed with balsamic vinegar and oil, and that these could in no circumstance be separated without heavy industrial machinery and training approved by an officially-recognised body). Still, everything seemed to go OK.

About 30 minutes later, 5 of the meals arrived. Those of us (of whom I was one) who did not get our food were not immediately concerned - the kitchen service area's quite small, so a batch of 9 meals would be expected to be done in 2 stages. Some 10 minutes later, other parties who'd come in well after us were being served, and still no food. So we went to the bar to ask what was going on.

The "balsamic-dressing" barman denied all knowledge and memory of the existence of the remaining 4 meals (one of which was the very same one requested, at some length, without balsamic dressing), and seemed quite surprised that we'd all ordered food, being such a large group. It was clearly our fault that we'd either failed to write clearly enough on the menu or, as seemed to be his favoured option, failed to even order our own food at all. The fact we were not totally accepting of this situation even seemed to irritate him somewhat.

So the 4 of us walked out and got a hurried sandwich from Krusties. Spoiled birthday for Christine (who at least was one of the 5 who did get their food), no apology (as far as I could work out, that's because both we and the barman were expecting the other to apologise!), no money off the bill.

No return trade from us either!

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