
Sunday, February 15, 2004

Donald Dark 

Saw Donnie Darko last night. Didn't really think it was all that great - it was OK, but not the brilliant film everyone else seems to think it is. I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't seen it though, so this rant will be intentionally vague.

There seems to be too much left out of the film itself - for example, why do you have to buy the special DVD version to read the book that Donnie is given in the film? And why was absolutely none of this even alluded to in the film? I don't really enjoy watching a film where the plot can be summarised as "some fairly unconnected stuff happens - you'll have to pay Hollywood more if you want to understand it."

I have actually read the book (it's on the Net - isn't everything?) and as a person relatively well-versed in well-constructed sci-fi, this isn't a very coherent backplot.

And why is he almost named after one of Disney's favourite characters?

Oh well, don't let me stop you seeing it. I have odd tastes in films - I still like True Lies.

On the plus side, I didn't have garlic bread smeared all over my bed last night. I'm always thankful for small mercies.

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