
Monday, March 01, 2004

5 out of 8 

Hmmm. I appear to have slightly miscalculated on when the year began in my earlier post on the quiz. We were actually only on 4 out of 6 then (4 out of 5 with my attendance). We're now on 5 out of 8, or 5 out of 6 with my attendance. We won the princely sum of £1.75 tonight!

I always knew there would be a use to watching the Young Ones, or being able to spell Comanche (in the face of extreme opposition I might add!), or knowing when Mr Blobby topped the charts. I do know rather too much useless shite!

In other news of the day, my actuarial debate went well. I'm sure this will be covered in far more detail on Lint's other site very soon. I had to argue the case for the insurance industry being able to retain the ability to use factors like gender and family history to charge different premiums to people, even though these factors are outside of the potential customer's control.

I don't think I stuttered and stammered too much, but I did forget about half my argument when I stood up (including bits I was relying on for later reinforcement!) And I limited the personal comments to entirely non-inflammatory ones. Although based on the initial straw poll, I managed to change one person's mind away from what I was arguing, and to confuse a further 4 people!

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