
Sunday, April 25, 2004


I blame Lint for this (as usual).

I think I'm right in saying that there are now 7 of us playing CNPS (I think I managed to get P hooked last night!) It's unreasonably addictive. Here's a few variations I've come up with :

898. OCNPS (O = obvious) - this is based on my observation that everyone, with but a single unsurprising exception, has started off with their own car numberplate, rather than starting at 1.
1. RCNPS (R = reverse) - counting from 999 downwards.
2. PCNPS (P = prime) - spotting prime numbers. Fun once it gets into the high ones and you have to work out primality in your head!
3. SCNPS (S = square) - as per PCNPS, but perfect squares.
4. ANPS (A = alphabetical) - this would take a long time! Spot all the possible three-letter combinations starting from AAA. It's only about 17 times as big a problem space as CNPS.
5. RNPS (R = random) - have a computer generate the next number to be spotted, and make it a race between several people to get it. Extend to sequences of random numbers of length N.
6. CMIBNPS (CMIB = continuous mortality investigation) - spot number plates corresponding to the last 3 digits of q(x) for increasing ages on AM92. Repeat for AF92. Repeat for d(x), l(x) and mu(x).
7. RCCNPS (RC = restricted colour) - only allow spots from cars of a particular colour. (NB - could be construed to be politically incorrect, as men are more commonly colour-blind than women.) Other variants of this might be to pick specific makes of car, or registration years.

I should really be outside playing tennis or something. I thought I'd finished with exams!

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