
Sunday, May 16, 2004


The annual event of near-musical nonsense has come round again, and for the first time in 8 years, I didn't go to Manchester for it. I went to Lint's house.

Some choice lyrics :
"If I wait, if I wait, I won't lose my weight"
"Shi-ri-di-ri-di-ri-na, shi-ri-di-ri-na-hey"
"I blend my blue in those colours of you"

When all that was finished, we also played the hat game. I really like this game. Everyone puts a few (4 or 5, say) names into a hat, and people from two teams take it in turns to pull the names out of the hat and describe them to their teams. The catch is that there are more restrictions placed on how you can describe the people in each successive round. Firstly, you are free to say what you like, then you have only 5 words, then just one, and finally none (i.e. mime).

Some of the people we had in the hat were rather oddly described, e.g. Fiver the Rabbit (described as "the character from Watership Down who's named after 2 + 3"), Victor Kiam ("oh, some guy or other, I have no idea who this is"), Fyodor Dostoevsky ("a Polish man") and Jerry Maguire ("an Irish guy"). And Neal's mime of Ian McEwan was surreal to say the least - he just sat there and waited for us to go through all 39 names until we got the one he had!

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