
Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Venus Transit 

As previous posts may have informed you, I've always enjoyed astronomy.

I thought I was going to miss this particular event, the way the weather was this morning. A repeat of the 1999 eclipse was on the cards. And all my astronomy gear (binoculars, telescope, sun filters, etc.) is at my parents' place still.

But lo! (Excellent - never thought I'd be able to use that word properly!) The heavens cleared, a work colleague provided me with a sun filter and at about 1045 UT I managed to get a glimpse of Venus sat in front of the sun.

I've seen a few very good photo series (1 2), a movie of the last one from 1882 (seriously!), an idiot's guide to how to locate Venus on the solar disc, and a witty response to a "how should I view this?" post that cracks me up every time I read it.

If you missed it, don't worry too much. There's another one on 6th June 2012. Or Mercury will be doing the same thing much sooner, on 8th November 2006.

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