
Sunday, August 15, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11 

Just watched it. Not quite sure what my thoughts are on it at the moment. No doubt I'll be posting again later in the week about it.

The section about the terror alert and the constant manipulations of people's feelings as a result definitely struck an immediate chord though - almost as if someone had been reading one of my favourite books (a prize to anyone who guesses it) :

"The rollercoaster was a microcosm of social reaction; the same emotions could be created throughout a society when the proper techniques were applied ... The terror would build gradually, deepening with time, yet cries of relief would be allowed.The summation of the rollercoaster crests would be directed, the proper social changes would occur, and then the final downhill run would take place and humanity would emerge from the train, shaken yet essentially unharmed. Most would never realise that they had been switched to another track until it was too late."

Its not the Tom Grisham (which I think I've spelt right) with the secretly homosexual presidential candidate that the CIA gets into power by manipulating wars in other counties, and sourcing cash for a massive advertising campaign is it?

I don't remember the title.. something about the judges.. "The Brotherhood" or something?
Nope! Try sci-fi. I'll be amazed if anyone gets this though - while that paragraph describes the book's entire plot pretty well, it's hardly a significant moment in the story.

The image has always stuck with me though, and I'd thought about it a few times in relation to the terror alerts over the past few years.
Well the Grisham one pretty much mirrors how things work are working too. Basically he wins (or, the CIA does) by creating a climate of fear. Manipulating wars in other countries and trading on the "only I can defend Amarica from the Evil out there" thing. The CIA does it quite skillfully... he warns of suicide bombers... the CIA bombs a US embassy about a week later.. he says "I told you so.. all these other guys thought I was scare mongering, but I was right!" etc. Great big chunks of his campaign sound very similar to Bush's.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0812530756/103-6444354-4486244?v=glance (Can't do links in comments - irritating)

That cover is hideous though - would never have bought it if that'd been the cover!
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