
Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Random Blogs 

Blogger's just implemented a new feature - they've replaced the advert bar at the top (which I could never see because I use pretty aggressive advert-blocking settings in Mozilla) with a "blog-bar". This allows you to search the current blog, and to view a randomly-selected blog that's been updated recently.

I decided to go for a bit of a wander and see what I could see, what other people were writing about, and whether anyone had managed to come up with a better design than the standard templates. Here are a few of the blogs I found ...

  • A Tribute to my Penis (not actually mine, the one belonging to the guy who wrote the blog) - thankfully post-free as yet.
  • A list of Half-Life Counterstrike server commands and IP addresses.
  • What appeared to be a site posting pictures of nudists, written in Spanish.
  • A woman in Missouri selling "handmade crafts made from plastic canvas".
  • Several foreign-language sites - at least one in each of French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Danish and Arabic, plus one or two I couldn't work out. One might have been Iraqi judging by some of the Anglicised words I could read. This one's even got a couple of posts in Latin!
  • Any number of people who can be adequately paraphrased as "First post! Hello. I've nothing to say yet. Check back later though!"

    In 100 or so clicks, I got one repeat. If I could remember my stats a bit better, that would give me some idea of how many blogs are being frequently updated.

    God I'm bored.

  • Comments:
    I got
    "The Fox News Channel" in the guys own words: "A blog dedicated to America's only "fair and balanced" news channel".... from reading the posts, I think we can add the subtitle: "anyone who doesn't agree is leftist scum!"

    "Personal Meditation Cave" which appeared to be by one such "leftist" who had some very sensible things to say.

    A thousand Spanish sites I did't quite follow. Due to not knowing any spanish. Significnaly above average levels of nude photogaphs in the spanish pages it seems.

    A girl from Huddersfield who used the same template as mine.

    Some Catholic extemeist guy.

    Gonna stop now, prying into other people's blogs is far too addictive.
    It is odd how many people seem to have just started their blog today. I guess the set of recently updated blogs will by definition contain a higher proportion of brand new blogs than the set of all blogs does.
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