
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

It's Been A Long Time Coming 

So long, in fact, that I had to look up what the HTML code for the £ sign was ("&pound;" for those who are interested).

We won. The quiz. Finally. After 6 months! (I think - had a look back through my old blog posts, and either it's been a lot longer than that, or I haven't bothered to mention some victories. I'm pretty sure I've not won since Badfriend left though.)

Two things stand out in our victory :

1. Lint's better guessing in the tiebreak. Two teams, Spinach and Evil Bert had 15 million and 15, so for a tiebreaker (with 18 cans of Carling and what turned out to be £37 (yay HTML escape sequences!) in prize money) he got closer to the answer for "In what year was Madonna born?"
2. My getting of the 4 million pointer halfway through the question, entirely from nowhere. I'm still not sure how I got this! "JB, LR, JW. Name the three people and the telly programme." I managed to get it before he'd even got to JW.

Since Lint and I have had quite a heated ongoing argument about giving people the answers to puzzles before they've had a go, I've come up with a way around it.

Answers can be found below this line - select the "blank" area to see them.

Q1 - Madonna was born in 1958, Lint guessed 1960 and Evil Bert guessed 1963.
Q2 - Jeremy Beadle, Lisa Riley and Johnathan Wilkes have all presented You've Been Framed.

And £6.15 the richer, we all left happy.

Like the way you hid the answers!
And how on earth did you get the 4 million pointer, I was thinking for ages and getting nowhere - I guess 'cos it's such a bad show.
I thought you might like the chance to have a guess at them this time, rather than having Lint pissing on the parade.

He read them out quite slowly, so I had several seconds to think - I was just trying to think of who I knew with initials LR, and I'd watched Teachers the day before and thought to myself that Lindsay looked really like Lisa Riley in it, so I was kind of in the right place at the right time!
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