
Thursday, March 24, 2005

One Day In My Life 

24th March is quite a significant day in "history" for me. There've been quite a few milestony events for me on this day - probably not of much relevance to others, but then, it's not their blog.

In 1995, I had my one and only serious skiing accident, on the last day of my first skiing trip. I was just 200 yards and about 20 seconds from the ski shop where I was then planning to return my gear when suddenly (and I could never remember how) I was lying face-down in the snow, skis some 15 yards away from me, and my left knee no longer quite working as it should. I didn't find this out till I tried, and failed, to stand up. I couldn't bend it for about a day (which made the 24-hour coach journey we were starting later that evening really comfortable) or put any weight on it for a week, and if I'd bothered with going to the doctor's (in retrospect I wish I had done, but you're never going to get old when you're 19) I'd have likely ended up with crutches for a bit. I still get twinges in it weekly or so, and every couple of months it freezes on me and I can't walk properly for a few hours.

In 1996, my dog Ryan was put down. I was again away skiing, and so I didn't know till a couple of days later. He was a little over 11 years old - he'd been "shared" between me and my brother while I was still at my parents' - about 7.5 years. I have fond memories of using him as a footwarmer while studying for my mock GCSEs.

In 1997, two milestones on the same day. I was 8000 days old, and I started my first job, at Chesnara, who didn't have such a damn stupid name at the time - they were Hambro Assured when I joined, then Countrywide Assured a year later, only becoming Chesnara long after I left.

In 2000, I went to my ex-girlfriend's (Mormon) wedding in Utah. I think I'm up to 4 different faiths' weddings I've been to - Christian, Mormon, Muslim and Humanist (not sure if the last one really counts as a faith though, but it certainly wasn't like any of the other three).

In 2005, I symbolically moved desks, making me feel for the first time like I'm actually in my new role, despite this having nominally been the case for over a month - it's 2.5 years since I've had a job change, so it's going to take a little while to get used to. I've also had 7 CNPS spots, making today my best day ever, by some margin. I could probably have got a further 2 if I could have been arsed getting in the car and going for a little drive, but I guess I could save that record for this time next year!

Oh and, in a twist of synchronicity, while moving some of the furniture from old desk to new desk, I cracked my left knee so hard on one of the filing cabinets I had to sit down for about 30 seconds.

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