
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

There's a rainbow before me... 

This past fortnight has been a bit of a bumpy ride. Not really having much fun at work at the moment - all the bad things about last year seem to be repeating themselves, only more so (and in some cases, in triplicate). I expect several people could have legitimately used Elaine's typical put-down.

However, two things went right today. I still haven't worked through all the logic of why yet, but I ended up with a right answer. I can't remember the last time I managed to do that at work! I also had a bit of a chat that was a lot more helpful than I suspect the person it was with realised.

In a karmic netting-off, however, something also went wrong, in that I had to skip the Idlewild gig I was invited to attend while I was in Melbourne. Oh well - had a bit of a tinkle along on the piano with American English when it came on the iPod earlier on, so that'll have to do.

Meltons Too this Friday. I've been wanting to go for quite some time, and now I have an excuse. Tom recommends the paté - I think Dom may not be surprised if I follow this suggestion! Not sure about tomorrow night's venue for Iasonas' birthday though - La Tasca does a lot of garlic-based foods, so there's a fair chance I'm going to end up hungry!

As long as I'm not one of the repeted things... (I know I refuse to go away... I'll be emailing you again next month pestering you about requirements)
Badfriend - thanks, I will. I have a mental note to do that everywhere, after Lint's birthday meal!

Sarum, don't take this the wrong way, but you're not even on my reserve list at the moment! E-mail all you like...we'll see how helpful a response you get at that point!
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