
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

On The Way To 3 Fora 

1. I was stopped yesterday by a taxi driver, who proceeded to ask me for directions to a street in north York. (1a - I knew where the street was!)

2. The Christmas decorations are currently being put up in York. It is 9 weeks till Christmas.

3. It is possible to buy Tesco's Value mangoes. I've bought 2, but I haven't eaten any yet. I will update the Internet on how they taste at a later date.

Other less funny things - I finally finished Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. It seems quite amazing to me that a book in which nothing at all happens for 750 pages can be nominated for one of sci-fi's highest honours. I don't expect I'll be reading Ms Page's next book, unless there's a guarantee of a minimum of one actual event per chapter.

Won the quiz last night, by some margin. Some of the answers I really shouldn't have known - why do I know (and why does Jimbobjo not?!) who married Mel B and fathered her child? I was a little scared that I got the right answer from "First it was BM" before Ian had gone on to the rest of the question. I seem to remember doing that before with a similar question.

The removal of the beard is starting to annoy me now. It's mainly having to shave at all (and get up early enough to do it), and secondarily having to shave at least every other day for work purposes. I can't see it lasting much past Christmas.

Finally, it's Random Recipe week this week, where I download a random selection of recipes from the Net, edit out any garlic from them and cook them. Last night was Japanese rice noodles with teriyaki sauce. Tonight was spicy lentil and turkey tortillas (mmmm, extra Tabasco). I'll see what I can be bothered to make tomorrow - likely to be one of feta tabouleh or scallop ceviche.

Regarding Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: I agree. It was interesting for the first set of chapters where it was based in York but then a little dull.
Love the random food idea.
Yes to Jimmy Gulzar.

I expect the BM one might be a little easier if I gave you the rest of the question.
If that's a cryptic joke, it's passed me by. If not, then who's BM in the Stones?
That does sound like something you would do.
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