
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The End Is Nigh 

You may recall I've been doing this Planetarium puzzle over the last few months (scarily, since 17th August!), and I finally received the final chapter at midnight last night.

Unsurprisingly, therefore, I have spent the last 2.5 hours filling in all the gaps with the bits and pieces of the puzzles I'd not finished (and in one case, had got so spectacularly and obviously wrong that I'm still kicking myself!), and I'm left with two final gaps.

1. The answer to the following riddle.

"I am a person you can make
By design or by mistake;

First found in grudge and also hater,
Next seen in tyrant, not in traitor,
Third stands in battle, where you'll see
Who, in the end, belongs to me:

So often in our fights and wars
You'll be mine if I am yours."

2. A topological puzzle (at which I'm always rubbish). Taking out all the fantasy elements from the puzzle :
  • You have a closed ring and two pieces of wire (the wire being infinitely bendy and the ring being unbreakable).
  • You are not allowed to pass only one end of a wire through a hoop at a time - only both ends at the same time or neither.
  • You must (eventually) join the ends of each wire together (i.e. closing each wire into a ring, but not joining one end from each wire together).
  • Once the ends of a wire are joined, you are not allowed to break them again.
  • You are not allowed to join the wire ends together if the wire contains any coils, kinks or twists - only if it is shaped like a ring already.

    The question is, is it possible to end up with all three rings interlinked?

    I've got reasonably certain answers to both of these (and Badfriend kind of agrees with me on the first one, haven't asked him about the second yet), but from looking at the whole thing, at least one (and more likely both) must be wrong.

    So I'm stuck - help!

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