
Friday, December 31, 2004

Ace of Hearts 

So, here I am, already 3 hours into my holiday (only another 1221 to go!), and I feel a bit weird.

I'm definitely pleased that the day has finally arrived (it's been hanging around for a very long time!), and I think that tonight the little knot of stress that's been wound up tight for the whole year finally got loosened a bit. I also got an entirely-unexpected present of a book of crosswords - some people know me too well!

However, I'm still not quite in the holiday frame of mind. For so long, work's just been on a constant upward spiral of things to do, and the last week has been so packed full (Christmas!) that this right now is really the first moment I've had to think properly about the next 2 months.

Walking out of work this evening was odd. In one way, it was just like normal - clock's running down towards 6, nearly everyone else has left, Mr Blokey is dusting and hoovering the phones (this not is a joke!) In another, there were strong overtones of actually leaving the company - my involvement with the Greek goddess has come to an end, and when I get back, I'll have a new job, new desk, 2 or 3 new staff members and all sorts of changes going on.

I was quite strongly reminded of school summer holidays - intellectually I know it's the last day of the year, the fact that this is going to be a summer holiday for the next 6 weeks notwithstanding! - but it feels like those last few days at school where you're not going to see most of your friends for a while, you haven't really got anything vitally important to do and the days till the start of September seem to stretch out endlessly (there's a better answer to your question, GeeDee!)

I've still got the pleasure of packing tomorrow morning.

Thanks to everyone for turning up to the party this evening. I'm sorry we had to kill the noise levels quite so sharply - unfortunate combination of circumstances. Still, I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Special mention of Happy Birthday to Tsuki.

Needless to say, updates to the blog will be erratic for the next 2 months, and probably absent altogether while I'm skiing - mountain resorts are not often known for their bandwidth and connectivity. The CNPS table will be frozen after the next update, which is in about an hour, so I hope you've recorded your 97, Lint!

Nope. Missed my chance. Darn. For the record though:

How come you're on first name terms with the cleaner? I see them often too. Surely they can't be bitter about one or two cups to remove.
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