
Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Porn, Paper, Scissors 

I think the heavy bout of studying has really hit Iasonas hard. It took him nearly 30 minutes to start off down tonight's oft-expected-yet-somehow-still-unforeseen conversational path (e.g. as in previous such evenings) before ending up in a metaphorical mire.

Tonight's topic started relatively innocently with him asking Lint and me for advice on how to buy porn. Ever helpful, between us we suggested the SEX shop on Gillygate, how to purchase the selected porn item or items (allowing for whether the person behind the counter was male or female), how not to buy anything with rabbits on the front cover, and how whatever he bought would cost £12.40.

Things then took a slight turn for the worse, as we discussed how, when he was "little", he used to prefer to read the articles in his friends' magazines, because it was much more interesting. There was also a small interlude where I mistakenly thought he was telling us about some sort of pork-based Star Wars fantasy he'd been having.

Moving downhill now much more rapidly, we were regaled with tales of the Greek porn he'd "enjoyed" while at Uni, much of which involved men and women being chained to rocks, with the chains being attached to areas of the body other than the more customary hands and feet. It was never made fully clear what was quintessentially Greek about this (Actors? Language? The olives? I thought it might be that when they were ... erm, finished, they'd throw plates on the floor.), and sadly (since www.greekporn.com doesn't resolve to a real web site) we're going to have to wait till he retrieves his old PC from his parents, on which we were assured that the links to said websites still reside.

Fortunately, however, some face (quite a bit of face percentage-wise, now a lot of his is covered with an incipient beard) was saved by explaining that his penchant for Xena Warrior Princess cancelled out the rock porn.

I think you should write about porn more often, you clearly amuse me more with such topics!
Are you trying to say I've been boring you...?

I can only write when the mood takes me. My muse (in this case Iasonas) isn't a wind-up toy who can be relied on to start a bizarre porn-related conversation at the drop of a hat.

Oh wait...
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